Registered Address

Registered Address in Bulgaria

Registered address is a pre-requisite for establishing a company. We can provide you with a decent one either on a temporary or permanent basis.

You may use the registered address as the effective business address of your newly-formed company. Alternatively, you may decide to use any other valid Bulgarian address as suitable for your day-to-day business needs.

The registered address is used as the default address by the government tax authorities, judicial institutions and any other agencies and third parties as the main place to contact your company. It is also the default location for the service of deeds and other legal acts.

Having a registered address in Bulgaria does not automatically infer Bulgarian domicilation and does not immediately meet the requirements for place of business as defined by the Bulgarian and other countries’ tax authorities. We may have to help you meet other criteria and requirements so that your business may enjoy the Bulgarian favourable tax conditions. These requirements are specific and differ depending on your current place of business and tax residence.

Your incoming mail and correspondence are treated with complete safety, security and confidentiality. In order to guarantee a seamless mail processing service we will provide you with detailed addressing instructions.

For further information, please contact Kirilova Law & Associates.

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