We offer you to consider maintaining presence in a low tax territory as the only viable and secure solution instead.
Bulgaria is one such location and below we list the key benefits of choosing this country for your business base:
– Corporate Tax is just 10%.
– Dividend payout and other income distribution withholding tax is 5%.
– It is a member country of the European Union.
– Bulgaria has double taxation avoidance agreements with the majority of the on-shore territories globally.
– The country is market economy and governed by the rule of law.
– Bulgaria operates a currency board system. The Bulgarian Lev is fixed to the Euro.
– A very beneficial feature is the proximity to the European market’s core economies.
– The work force is highly educated, accepting change and competitively remunerated.
– There are scores of flights to and from the capital Sofia to the main European Capitals.
– There is abundance of industrial zones and centers including disused brown fields with legacy infrastructure in place.
– It is strategically located on the routes of major trade flows and possesses the critical infrastructure required.
Bulgaria can further offer you a way to reduce your costs through relocating key personnel as the personal taxes are fixed at the flat level of 10% for all income brackets.
Kirilova Law & Associates is a service established to serve the growing foreign direct investments in the country and has so far amassed a vast experience in tax structuring and corporate formations.
We possess the resources to help you in all the aspects of incorporations, outsourcing, relocation including trust and fiduciary services.
In addition to those general advantages of incorporation, specifically for Bulgaria, this legal form is much more suitable for acquisition, maintenance and disposal of real estate and assets of significant value.
The present legal framework in Bulgaria imposes regulations on real estate acquisition by foreign citizens. 3th country foreigners can buy only buildings, and the European citizens can acquire rights also over the land itself. Land can be also acquired by a Bulgarian legal entity, such as companies.
For further information, please contact Kirilova Law & Associates.